My Unfiltered Opinions on Popular Perfumes | Rapid Reviews on Hyped Perfumes | Ep. 5

My Unfiltered Opinions on Popular Perfumes | Rapid Reviews on Hyped Perfumes | Ep. 5

Discounts & Affiliate Links:
đź–¤ Twisted Lily
Shop my curated Twisted Lily picks!
Twisted Lily Discount Code: ANNE10 for 10% off
đź–¤ D'or Prestige
D'or Prestige Discount Code: ANNE10 for 10% off
*code works for everything except for Zaharoff brand
đź–¤ Commodity Fragrances
Commodity Discount Code: ANNE10 for 10% off
đź–¤ M. Micallef Parfums
Micallef Discount Code: ANNE10 for 10% off
đź–¤ Sora Dora
Sora Dora Discount Code: ANNE10 for 10% off
đź–¤ Navitus Parfums
Navitus Discount Code: ANNE10 for 10% off
*code works for fragrances that aren't brand new with an existing launch offer

Fragrances Mentioned:
-La Perla Possibilities
-L’Orchestre Parfums Piano Santal
-Les Liquides Imaginaires Blanche Bete
-Les Indemodables Vanille Havane
-Lake & Skye 11 11
-Louis Vuitton Attrape Reve
-Louis Vuitton Ombre Nomade
-Le Labo The Noir 29
-Le Labo Tonka 25
-Lattafa Khamrah
-L’Artisan Parfumeur Noir Exquis
-L’Artisan Parfumeur Bana Banana
-L’Artisan Parfumeur Couleur Vanille
-Louboutin Loubiprince
-Marc-Antoine Barrois Encelade
-Marc-Antoine Barrois Ganymede
-Memoirs of a Perfume Collector Tales from Zanzibar
-Memoirs of a Perfume Collector Meet Me Where The Sky Touches the Sea
-Memoirs of a Perfume Collector Origins of the Collector
-Mazzolari Vaniglia

Lip Liner: Colourpop in Tootsi
Lip Gloss: ABH in Toffee

Follow me on my social media!
- Instagram: annelauren.fragrance
- TikTok: annelauren.fragrance
For Business Inquiries only:
- [email protected]

Check out my boyfriend's art page!
- Instagram: __anti__ (double underscore, anti, double underscore)

- Where do you purchase fragrance samples?
Twisted Lily, D'or Prestige, Luckyscent, Scent Split, Fragrances Line, Scents Event, Decant X, The Perfumed Court
- Your name is spelled Anne but it's pronounced "Ah-na?"
It's Dutch 🇳🇱

Always feel free to chat with me and leave comments, questions, and suggestions :)!

Some of the links provided are affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase through the link, I earn a small commission. Thank you so much for your support!!! 🤍

#unfilteredopinions #rapidreviews #opinionsonpopularperfumes
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