5 UPGRADES to 5 ETERNALLY HYPED Fragrances (pt. 8)
Fragrances mentioned in this video (many are affiliate links that support the channel at no extra cost to you!):
YSL Babycat: Interestingly, it looks like YSL has recently re-released this, because it is now listed on their website as "NEW". So, yeah! Jomashop: https://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-10064...
Kajal Äican: https://www.scentsplit.com/products/k... ------------------------------------------------------------------ This series is fairly simple--we are examining 5 incredibly popular fragrances in the online community that I believe will be hyped for all eternity. They aren't going anywhere, anytime soon. As a result, they get a LOT of limelight. Maybe too much. But this doesn't take away from the fact that they are all great fragrances for their own reasons.
So I figured I would offer some upgrades/alternatives to these fragrances in an effort to give you something a little different than what you typically see! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Check out my twin brother Jeff’s Christian podcast! https://open.spotify.com/show/1wO9wHQ... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Awesome tees and tanks from INTO THE AM: Use my code STAYFRESH for 10% off at the following link: https://www.intotheam.com/discount/ST... ------------------------------------------------- Here are a few of my other favorite fragrances! http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-10064898...