A recap of Designer month fragrance reviews and videos I aired on this channel. You can find them all in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPDBe...
Also a minor channel update and what's in store in the near future on Smelling Great Fragrance Reviews. And of course our guessing game. I am reading a users comment and asking you to guess which fragrance this person in this comment is referring to. If you guess you get a 100 samples thanks to me. Good luck and thank you for your support.
The comment: It reminds me of the smell of skin slippage when you go to remove a corpse from a location where it has sat a while and rigor has bloated the body to the point where skin cracks and sloughs off. BLANK - were you describing the smell of your bloated body a few weeks after being left in the shower of your fancy home and the water has melted holes into your corpse and your skin is just beginning to bubble up and shed off, revealing veins and vessels that filled your body with life so you could (censored) fool people into buying your odorous, offensive smelling frags? Be ashamed BLANK, and do go play in freeway traffic.
As always please watch, rate, comment and share this video and please subscribe to this channel https://goo.gl/xWnYzi if you haven't yet. And please stay tuned for more videos and giveaways real soon!