My Signature
9 reviews
Best niche fragrance ever! I am gatekeeping this until i am dying and then i will pass it down to my son! Successful blind buy. Signature scent.
Top 10 for sure
Nostalgic for me. The performance is sh!t tho. Not worth buying for 300€ rn
The opening is great but it dries dow to just be a spicy mess. Nostalgic tho.
Its good but more for older guys
I love this stuff. But at first it just smells like salt. Gets complimented a lot. Only got told one that i smell like deodorant (is it an insult?)
It is really good but not for me. I am a young guy and blind bought this. Defenetly 25+ hypermasculine, dark, mysterious. I love the smell but on me it just isnt fitting. Its absolutely nuclear. I was once told that i smell like a rotten cake (is that a compliment or an insult?)
The opening is headaching and medicin like but the drydown is amazing. I usually go noseblind while it is medicine like but at the and of the day I take my t shirt off it smells heavenly
I like it. Used to be my signiture but i got bored of it. Still a good scent