Yosh U4EAHH!, Ginger Ciao & Omniscent First Impressions Review

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Yosh U4EAHH!, Ginger Ciao & Omniscent First Impressions Review

This is a video for Yosh U4EAHH!, Ginger Ciao & Omniscent Review! These three fragrances are Yosh Han’s three unisex scents that men can wear and enjoy. I loved these three fragrances with Ginger Ciao and Omniscent being my favorites for being deep and rich and more intense than U4EAHH!. And I enjoyed U4EAHH! for being so relaxing and very zen and spa like. Perfect for refreshing and calming and soothing scent for relaxing qualities. Ginger Ciao had a playfulness and fun quality and it’s perfect for fall wear and Omniscent was very classic but more modern and current with the perfume trends of today. Thank you for watching.

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